I want to save each page of a merged document separately. Is there any way
to automate this process? For example, if my merged document is 100 pages
long (50 documents @ 2 pages each) I want to save each 2 page section as a
separate file so I will have 50 saved documents. Is a merge, or mail merge,
the way to do this, or is there another way?
I am trying to create nearly identical html pages for a web site that I can
save individually and publish to my web. I want to merge the product name
and description into a template form, and save the newly merged documents
individually as "producta.htm", "productb.htm", etc.
to automate this process? For example, if my merged document is 100 pages
long (50 documents @ 2 pages each) I want to save each 2 page section as a
separate file so I will have 50 saved documents. Is a merge, or mail merge,
the way to do this, or is there another way?
I am trying to create nearly identical html pages for a web site that I can
save individually and publish to my web. I want to merge the product name
and description into a template form, and save the newly merged documents
individually as "producta.htm", "productb.htm", etc.