Saving all online files to offline



How will I code a macro to save all plans offline, instead of manually
saving each file offline. It is a long and tedious job.

I know that 'Active Project' sets it to the open file, but is there
something completely opposite (since I don't want to open all the

I could try to loop all the plans on the server and set it to offline,
but don't know if that is possible.....Any ideas?

Jan De Messemaeker

If you can loop all the plans, the most difficult is done.
Open them and save them offline.

Jan De Messemaeker


That indeed is the problem for me since I know nearly nothing about SQL,
I once received some code but I did not understand it, sorry.
Maybe you better re-post just this question: How do I open all projects from
a server in VBA?
(I will carefully keep the answer)

Gérard Ducouret

Please find this piece of VBA macro which reads some information about all
the projects in a SQL database:
Gérard Ducouret

Sub Lecture()
Dim sQuery As String
Dim sPathFile As String, i As Integer

' Ouverture de connection à SQL Server par l'intermédiaire d'un DSN
Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cn.Mode = adModeRead 'adModeReadWrite (Lecture seule!)
cn.ConnectionString = "DSN=" & DSN & ";UID=" & STR_USER_IDENT & " ;PWD="

'1ere Requête :
' Récupération des enregistrements de la table des projets de la base de
données pointé par le DSN
Set rst = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set rst = cn.Execute(sQuery, , adCmdText)

sPathFile = "c:\InfoProj.txt"
Open sPathFile For Output As #1
Print #1, ""

With rst
While Not .EOF
i = i + 1
Print #1, "********************"
Print #1, "Nom du projet : " & ![PROJ_NAME]
Print #1, "Nom de l'auteur : " & ![PROJ_PROP_AUTHOR]
Print #1, "Nom de la compagnie : " & ![PROJ_PROP_COMPANY]
Print #1, "Date début du projet : " & ![PROJ_INFO_START_DATE]
Print #1, "Date d'état du projet : " & ![PROJ_INFO_STATUS_DATE]
Print #1, "Date fin du projet : " & ![PROJ_INFO_FINISH_DATE]
Print #1, "Nom du Manager : " & ![PROJ_PROP_MANAGER]
Print #1, "Heure de début par défaut projet : " &
Print #1, "Heure de fin par défaut projet : " &
Set rst = Nothing
Print #1, "********************"
Close #1
MsgBox "Fini : " & i & " plannings dans la Base <<LocalServer>>", ,
"Gérard DUCOURET : PragmaSoft ®"
End Sub

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