Saving and restoring pivoted tables



I have a pivoted tables that users can change and have options for saving and
restoring the view they decide to use... saving is not a problem using
XMLdata but restoring it is, because it tries to connect again asking for the
password... For what I have read, the XMLData will allways try to reconnect,
eventhough a connection exists and all data is in the pivoted table... Is
there a better way to save and restore the information of the pivoted table
without XMLData????


I used the userdata and saveFavorite
.userData {behavior:url(#default#userData);}
.sFavorite {behavior:url(#default#savefavorite);}
default dhtml behaviors (user data persistence) to save the name of the xml
file on the users local machine, this way they control their own reports.
The problem is there is a limit to how many saved views they can use but the
benefit is they just use the bookmarking functions of IE 5.5 to save and
return to their reports.


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