saving as .html webpage



I have a few images that appear in my word document. When I save the
file as .html the file is over 2 megs. Is there anyway to reduce the
image sizes without having to open a photo editing program and
reducing them that way.


Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Pete,

Is the file you're saving .HTM or .MHT? .MHT files are, when created from Word, basically zipped web pages that can retain content
that a browser can't used but that Word could if the document is later opened in Word.

HTML (.htm) files don't contain graphics, but links to the graphics. If you have a .DOC copy of your document saved for future
editing you can try using File=>Save As=>Web Page-Filtered
to reduce the file size and to remove graphics that won't be used by the browser. If you resized a picture after inserting in a
Word document and then save as a Word Web Document both the original size and the revised size graphics are preserved.

I have a few images that appear in my word document. When I save the
file as .html the file is over 2 megs. Is there anyway to reduce the
image sizes without having to open a photo editing program and
reducing them that way.


Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

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