Saving autorecover info to roaming profile



I have been looking all around on the internet to find a solution to this
problem I’m writing you about.


- This is an example: When a user is using Word and then their
internet line cuts out for some reason.
They logon to the system again. Open word to recover their document. But no
recovery information is shown.
I think this must be because the recovery info is not saved to the roaming
profile. This means that whenever a user have a connection loss or something
that happens so that the user is thrown of our system. They cannot get the
auto recover info.

This is quite annoying.

Is there a way to solve this. So that office auto recover info is saved to
the roaming profile or should we just change the GPO settings for the auto
recover folder?

Technical info:

- TSE System: Citrix & Win2k3 TSE’s.
- Office: 2007 SP1.

If you need more info please let me know. Or if you can redirect me to a
forum or a website where I can find a solution or info on this that’s great
as well.

Thank you very much.

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