Saving comments in Versions



I want to save multiple versions of my resume in one document. The problem
is the following: when I click on File, then on Versions, then on
"Automatically save a version on close", then Save Now, then type comment in
Versions, then click OK, the comments is not saved. At the bottom, the Open,
Delete, and View Comments is greyed out and not accessible. Thanks for your

Cindy Meister

Hi Jacqueline

I'm afraid my answer isn't going to be what you want to hear...

The "Versions" feature is not stable. Once you start using them, your
document is a time bomb. It's just a question of when the damage is going to
occur, and what form it will take. Right now, you can't use some of the
features. In a while, it could deteriorate so far that you can't open the

Save your versions as separate files, using "SaveAs". That way, you'll
always have a backup of your work, as well.

-- Cindy


Thank you, Cindy, for your message. It answers in part my question. I am
using Word 2003 Edition (MS Office Small Edition 2003). Is it a problem
specific to 2003? In Word 2000, it seems there is no problem. Shoudl I try
to exchange the 2003 software package or will I encounter the same difficulty?

I appreciate the advice to use "Save As". This is what I was doing. But
when I discovered Versions, I thoutght it was great.

Thank you,


Cindy Meister

Hi Jacqueline

From my experience, the problem is in all versions of Word. You were just
lucky, up until now, that your documents didn't get damaged (at least, not

If you want to continue trying to work with the functionality, you can try
copying everything except the last paragraph mark to a new document. This
will probably loose any versions you have in the original file, but chances
are good the problemy you're currently seeing will go away...

.. cindy

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