Saving Database



Is there a way to save a database with all the needed .dll
so if installed on other computers all needed files will
be there and will not get errors? Or do you have to go to
each computer and install the needed .dll???

Sandra Daigle

Whatever files you need you have to install - most people have some type of
setup script for this. You can either use the Package and deploy wizard that
comes in the Developer version of Office or use a 3rd Party install utility
(Sagekey is one that is frequently used with Access).

Greg Kraushaar

The runtime installer will allow you to do this, but you need the
developer version of Access. Depending on your cash flow and you
desire to learn new stuff, it may be easier to do the installs

You should also be able to create a batch file (Remember them?) to do
it for you, but I have never tried it personally

Personally, in distributed systems, I avoid extras that require
special dll/ocx etc like the plague. They are invariably more trouble
than they are worth

Regards Greg Kraushaar
Wentworth Falls Australia
(Do not email - the reply address is a Spam spoofer)
(If you really must, remove all UCase and numbers)


MS Access (and its underlying database engine, MS Jet) are purchased
products. You can not just copy them willy-nilly to someone else's PC! Also,
there are dozens of DLLs, registry entries & other files etc. So the only
way to do this properly & legally, is to install the product off a
legitimate product CD, or use the developer's version as the other
respondent said.

In this regard, Access is different to Visual Basic (VB). With VB, I think
that there is only one DLL required, & you can copy that DLL to other PCs,
as & when you require.


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