Regardless of Windows version, Office 2003 apps should be able to open files
created by the corollaries in 2004 & vice-versa. There should be little or
no difference if the files were created properly. In fact, even if the
client is using Office 2007 there should be no problem. Prior to 2007 PC &
Mac Office apps have used identical file formats for several versions now.
Your problem most likely stems from either or both of two things:
1- Make sure you save the files with the appropriate extensions - just use
the checkbox in the Save As dialog or type them yourself, and
2- The method by which you're providing the files to the client... Odds are
you're sending them by email as attachments and the client is using Exchange
Server - which will chew up & spit out fragments of files from outside its
Zip the files before sending them & make sure the client
understands that they have to SAVE the files to disk & open them from there
rather than just double-clicking the attachment icon. If they don't need to
edit the files you would also be better off to send PDFs in the first place.
If they *do* need to edit them send BOTH a PDF version so they know what it
looks like as well as the native version for revisions.
Fonts can also contribute to cross-platform files so that is another
consideration. However, "can't read" doesn't give anyone much to go on as
far as troubleshooting goes.
HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac