Saving e-mail without attachments



I save many e-mails for legal reasons. A number of the e-mails have

I save the attachments to the appropriate folder on my PC and then "file"
the entire e-mail, including attachments, in an Inbox folder related to the
subject (usually by client or project).

Likewise, I save Sent items in a Sent Items folder that mirrors my Inbox

My main Inbox and Sent Items folders are kept relatively clean.

Unfortunately, the size of my Personal Folder, which I backup regularly, is
getting very large.

Is there a way to strip the attachments from e-mails? Or, is there a better
method of saving e-mails?


Brian Tillman

KGlennC said:
I keep them in Outlook. I do a backup of the pst file.

I get it. You want the messages to remain in Outlook but without the
attachments. I know that one of the tools mentioned on the page I cited
should do that.

That begs a question: if retaiing the messages if for legal purposes,
wouldn't those purposes be thwarted by modifying the messages and stripping
the attachments which are, after all, part of the message itself. If you
can change the messages by removing the attachments, you can change them
enough to make them say anything you want. For example, you could change a
message that says "I want you to sue that person" to say "I do not want you
to sue that person" and who'd be any the wiser?

Roady [MVP]

Which is why emails won't hold in court if they are not stored according to
mail compliance regulations. This starts with that communication is (also)
stored on a location which cannot be modified by a user once send.


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