Hi there,
I have the following problem,
I have a recurring Outlook appointment item, sheduled for every workday
for two weeks, so 10 appointments in total.
Startdate = 11-07-2006 and the end date is 24-07-2006.
No other items are available in Outlook! (Test environment)
Now I change the subject of one of the items in Outlook and save the item.
Outlook changes the recurring symbol on this item to a recurring symbol with
a line thru it so I asume that's the way of Outlook to show it's an
exception item.
Now I have a VB.net program which communicates with Outlook.
The problem is when I save the one item, all items from the recurring set
will be adjusted and not just the one item :-(
All 10 items for the recurring set will have the same body text.
All 10 items do have the same Entry ID value but I can get the items
seperatly, only when I save one item all 10 items are adjusted.
Outlook must have an (internal) ID for the seperate (10) items???
What am I doing wrong?
Is there a way to save just that one exception item???
Thanx a lot,
Dikbill, The Netherlands
(e-mail address removed)
I use the following code, written in VB 2005 with Outlook 2003 SP2
Dim ol As Outlook.Application
Dim olns As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim Item As Object
Dim StoreID As String
' Set the application object
ol = New Outlook.Application
' Set the namespace object
olns = ol.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Dim objFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim objItems As Object = Nothing
Dim strFilter As Object = Nothing
Dim objTest As Object = Nothing
Dim sPersfoldername As String = ""
Dim objFolders As Object = olns.Folders
For Each objFolder In objFolders 'Just a test to get the public
folder name
sPersfoldername = objFolder.Name
sPersfoldername = sPersfoldername & "\Agenda"
objFolder = GetMAPIFolder(sPersfoldername, ol, olns)
objItems = objFolder.Items
objItems.IncludeRecurrences = True 'Set to true so I get all
appointments seperately!!
'When you set the property 'IncludeRecurrences ' to true, you can't
use the objTest.items.count
'because it will return the number 2147483647!!!
'about this feature!
'Here I filter on date so I wil only have 1 item returned!!
strFilter = "[Start] <= " & Quote(DateValue("11-07-2006") & "
23:59") & " And " & _
"[End] > " & Quote(DateValue("11-07-2006") & " 0:00")
Dim myAppt As Outlook.AppointmentItem
Dim strMsg As String = ""
objTest = objItems.Restrict(strFilter)
myAppt = objTest.GetFirst
Dim sPrevEntryID As String = ""
Dim iRecurrCount As Integer = 1
' Get the StoreID, which is a property of the folder
StoreID = objFolder.StoreID
'This loop will be entered only one time in this case!
Do While TypeName(myAppt) <> "Nothing"
strMsg = ""
strMsg = strMsg & vbLf & myAppt.Subject & "Nr:" & iRecurrCount
strMsg = strMsg & " at " & Format(myAppt.Start, "hh:mm") &
iRecurrCount = iRecurrCount + 1
sPrevEntryID = myAppt.EntryID
Item = olns.GetItemFromID(myAppt.EntryID, StoreID)
Dim oAgendaItem As Outlook.AppointmentItem = Item
oAgendaItem.Body = "Adjust Body text
oAgendaItem.Save() 'After this statement all 10 items are
myAppt = objTest.GetNext
I have the following problem,
I have a recurring Outlook appointment item, sheduled for every workday
for two weeks, so 10 appointments in total.
Startdate = 11-07-2006 and the end date is 24-07-2006.
No other items are available in Outlook! (Test environment)
Now I change the subject of one of the items in Outlook and save the item.
Outlook changes the recurring symbol on this item to a recurring symbol with
a line thru it so I asume that's the way of Outlook to show it's an
exception item.
Now I have a VB.net program which communicates with Outlook.
The problem is when I save the one item, all items from the recurring set
will be adjusted and not just the one item :-(
All 10 items for the recurring set will have the same body text.
All 10 items do have the same Entry ID value but I can get the items
seperatly, only when I save one item all 10 items are adjusted.
Outlook must have an (internal) ID for the seperate (10) items???
What am I doing wrong?
Is there a way to save just that one exception item???
Thanx a lot,
Dikbill, The Netherlands
(e-mail address removed)
I use the following code, written in VB 2005 with Outlook 2003 SP2
Dim ol As Outlook.Application
Dim olns As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim Item As Object
Dim StoreID As String
' Set the application object
ol = New Outlook.Application
' Set the namespace object
olns = ol.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Dim objFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim objItems As Object = Nothing
Dim strFilter As Object = Nothing
Dim objTest As Object = Nothing
Dim sPersfoldername As String = ""
Dim objFolders As Object = olns.Folders
For Each objFolder In objFolders 'Just a test to get the public
folder name
sPersfoldername = objFolder.Name
sPersfoldername = sPersfoldername & "\Agenda"
objFolder = GetMAPIFolder(sPersfoldername, ol, olns)
objItems = objFolder.Items
objItems.IncludeRecurrences = True 'Set to true so I get all
appointments seperately!!
'When you set the property 'IncludeRecurrences ' to true, you can't
use the objTest.items.count
'because it will return the number 2147483647!!!
'about this feature!
'Here I filter on date so I wil only have 1 item returned!!
strFilter = "[Start] <= " & Quote(DateValue("11-07-2006") & "
23:59") & " And " & _
"[End] > " & Quote(DateValue("11-07-2006") & " 0:00")
Dim myAppt As Outlook.AppointmentItem
Dim strMsg As String = ""
objTest = objItems.Restrict(strFilter)
myAppt = objTest.GetFirst
Dim sPrevEntryID As String = ""
Dim iRecurrCount As Integer = 1
' Get the StoreID, which is a property of the folder
StoreID = objFolder.StoreID
'This loop will be entered only one time in this case!
Do While TypeName(myAppt) <> "Nothing"
strMsg = ""
strMsg = strMsg & vbLf & myAppt.Subject & "Nr:" & iRecurrCount
strMsg = strMsg & " at " & Format(myAppt.Start, "hh:mm") &
iRecurrCount = iRecurrCount + 1
sPrevEntryID = myAppt.EntryID
Item = olns.GetItemFromID(myAppt.EntryID, StoreID)
Dim oAgendaItem As Outlook.AppointmentItem = Item
oAgendaItem.Body = "Adjust Body text
oAgendaItem.Save() 'After this statement all 10 items are
myAppt = objTest.GetNext