I'm trying to archive report data from daily MSWord reports.
The reports contain field forms and non field forms (free flow text)
in a protected document. I can save the data from the fields easily
enough by using "SaveFormsData:=True", (results in a text document
where each field is separated by a comma) I can them import the
resulting data from the fields nicely into excel, the problem is I'm
trying to also import the free flow word text from the same report and
append it to the fields data?
I was thinking something like, (data i'm trying to capture then append
is in section 2 of the .doc)
Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToSection, Which:=wdGoToFirst, Count:=2,
Now how do I append the "selection.wholestory" to the .txt file
created from the forms data?
Hope I've explained my question appropriately.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The reports contain field forms and non field forms (free flow text)
in a protected document. I can save the data from the fields easily
enough by using "SaveFormsData:=True", (results in a text document
where each field is separated by a comma) I can them import the
resulting data from the fields nicely into excel, the problem is I'm
trying to also import the free flow word text from the same report and
append it to the fields data?
I was thinking something like, (data i'm trying to capture then append
is in section 2 of the .doc)
Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToSection, Which:=wdGoToFirst, Count:=2,
Now how do I append the "selection.wholestory" to the .txt file
created from the forms data?
Hope I've explained my question appropriately.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.