Saving files



When I save a section in OneNote, it saves the first section instead of the
section I am trying to save. Usually it starts out ok and saves correctly
but after I have saved about 4 sections it no longer saves the new sections.
So when I go back to open up the section in my documents the wrong section
opens up. This only happens if I save it as a One extension.


Closing notebooks and opening them later is not how to get the best out of
onenote. You don't even really have a way to "save", it is automatic. You
just create pages, etc., and EVERYTHING is actively updated, continuously
saved to the hard drive. If you abruptly close the program, shut the
computer down and re-open the onenote later, all your stuff will still be
"there." You can close notebooks but there usually is no reason to do this.

Typically OneNote writes to a large cache first as you go along. Then it
updates the copies of the notebooks in the OneNote Notebook directory.
There may be a little lag in between the synch. But you shouldn't generally
have to go looking for those.

Just keep it all open all the time and you should be fine.

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