Greetings "The Pro"
By the sound of it you want to intercept the action of
the user selecting "Save" or "Save As.."
You can do this by creating two routines as follows.
Change the "MyField" reference to the name of the fields
on your form :
Sub FileSave()
With ActiveDocument
..SaveAs FileName:=.FormFields("MyField").Result
End With
End Sub
Sub FileSaveAs()
End Sub
Best of luck,
automatically takes the value of one and if posible two
fields and use them as the default file name. For example
theres a field for the name and a filed for a date so
when the 'save as' prompt appears it will use *name*
*date*.doc automatically as the file name. If theres also
an option for the user not being able to edit this
default value by accidentally chaning it on the 'file
name:' text box on the 'save as' dailog window that would
be great.
By the sound of it you want to intercept the action of
the user selecting "Save" or "Save As.."
You can do this by creating two routines as follows.
Change the "MyField" reference to the name of the fields
on your form :
Sub FileSave()
With ActiveDocument
..SaveAs FileName:=.FormFields("MyField").Result
End With
End Sub
Sub FileSaveAs()
End Sub
Best of luck,
user clicks the 'save' / 'save as' / 'close' button it-----Original Message-----
I have a form and I wish, if possible, that when the
automatically takes the value of one and if posible two
fields and use them as the default file name. For example
theres a field for the name and a filed for a date so
when the 'save as' prompt appears it will use *name*
*date*.doc automatically as the file name. If theres also
an option for the user not being able to edit this
default value by accidentally chaning it on the 'file
name:' text box on the 'save as' dailog window that would
be great.