Saving in version 1997 - 2003



Version: v.X
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger)

I need some urgent help from any kind souls out there, please!!

I've been given instructions to save my presentation as PowerPoint version 97 – 2003. I understand that is for windows? How do I do that on a Mac version that will translate to that 92 - 2003 version when I pay it on a Windows PC?

This is for a job interview so I really need it not to screw up. So SOS!! And thanks in advance!



No, that is not "for Windows" :) All versions of Office from 6.0 thru
Office 2003 on the Mac & Office 97 through Office 2003 on the PC (Windows)
use the same native file format. For PowerPoint that is .ppt -- I believe
the instruction should have been a bit more clearly stated.

That's not to say that there aren't considerations which need to be taken
into account for presentation files that need to run cross-platform. Fonts,
the type of images and/or video files used, how they're handled, etc. are
what make that determination, not file format.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Steve Rindsberg

Version: v.X
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger)

I need some urgent help from any kind souls out there, please!!

I've been given instructions to save my presentation as PowerPoint version 97 – 2003. I
understand that is for windows? How do I do that on a Mac version that will translate to
that 92 - 2003 version when I pay it on a Windows PC?

All PPT versions before Windows 2007 and Mac 2008 share the same file format.

Since you have one of those previous versions, you just need to save your presentation

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