saving pages of a file into separate files



hello all,

I wrote a code where each individual page of a large file is saved
into separate files. However, I haven’t been able to consistently copy
the headers and footers accordingly. Any suggestion?

Here is the segment of my code:

For i = 1 To j

ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.ShowHidden = True
'Select and copy the text to the clipboard


'Open new document to paste the content of the clipboard into

'Gets rid of possible break that is copied at the end of the
ChangeFileOpenDirectory (MyPath & "\PageToFile")
PageNum = PageNum + 1
ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:=prefix & PageNum & ".doc"

ActiveDocument.Close savechanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges

'Move the selection to the next page in the document
Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToPage, Which:=wdGoToNext, Count:=1

Next i

thanks in advance,

Jean-Guy Marcil


Some comments inline and my code suggestion at the end...
hello all,

I wrote a code where each individual page of a large file is saved
into separate files. However, I haven’t been able to consistently copy
the headers and footers accordingly. Any suggestion?

The built-in "Page" bookmark never includes the header/footer, unless there
happens to be a section break on the page, or the last ¶ in the doucment is
Here is the segment of my code:

For i = 1 To j

ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.ShowHidden = True
'Select and copy the text to the clipboard


'Open new document to paste the content of the clipboard into

'Gets rid of possible break that is copied at the end of the

This systematically deletes the last character, whatever it is...
I do not believe that this is what you want to do... What if there are no
page or section breaks at the end of the page range?
ChangeFileOpenDirectory (MyPath & "\PageToFile")

No need to change the FileOpenDirectory if you are supplying a path in the
SaveAs line...
PageNum = PageNum + 1

Do you need this counter? Doesn't "i" already hold a count of the page you
are at...?
ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:=prefix & PageNum & ".doc"

ActiveDocument.Close savechanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges

'Move the selection to the next page in the document
Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToPage, Which:=wdGoToNext, Count:=1

Next i

thanks in advance,

Generally, it is not a good idea to work with the "ActiveDocument" object
when dealing with multiple documents. Create document objects, this way you
are 100% certain which object you are refering to in your code. See my code
below for an example.
Also, normally I avoid the Selection object becasue it is unreliable,
epsecially when handling multiple documents. However, in this case, it is
fairly simple code. There would be a way to use only a range object, but it
would be more complicated than it is now and would not really provide any
advantages. It is one such case where the Selection object is OK.

My suggested code below only copies the main headers/footers. You might want
to add code to transfer "First page" and/or "Odd/even page" headers/footers
as well. Unless you are certain that the documents you are working with only
have the main header/footer type.

Finally, notice how I avoid using the Copy/Paste option, thereby leaving the
user's original clipboard content intact.

Dim i As Long
Dim docCur As Document
Dim docPage As Document
Dim rngCur As Range
Dim rngPage As Range
Dim strPath As String

Set docCur = ActiveDocument
'Save current user selection
Set rngCur = Selection.Range
strPath = "C:\PageToFile\"

docCur.Range(0, 0).Select

For i = 1 To docCur.ComputeStatistics(wdStatisticPages)
Set rngPage = Selection.Bookmarks("\page").Range.FormattedText

'Open new document and create document object
Set docPage = Documents.Add
With docPage
.Range.FormattedText = rngPage

'Gets rid of possible break [Chr(12)] that ,might be at the end of
the Page
If AscW(docPage.Characters.Last.Previous) = 12 Then
End If

'Copy headers/footers
.Sections(1).Headers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).Range.FormattedText = _

'Delete the last ¶

.Sections(1).Footers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).Range.FormattedText = _



.SaveAs strPath & i & ".doc"
.Close savechanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
End With

'Move the selection to the next page in the document
Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToPage, Which:=wdGoToNext, Count:=1
Next i

'Reset original user selection

If you want a perfect match, you probably have to consider page Setup
options as well. Transfer margin sizes, page orientation, paper size, etc.

Good luck.

Jean-Guy Marcil


If you want a perfect match, you probably have to consider page Setup
options as well. Transfer margin sizes, page orientation, paper size, etc.

And, sorry, I forgot to tmention that if you have section breaks on your
page, you will get strange results... For example, the last continuous
section break on the page will be converted into a "Next Page" section
break... (Because it becomes the last section in the new "one-page" document,
and as such, it picks up the last section settings contained in the last ¶ of
the new document... and the default value for a new document created from is "Next Page."). Thus, you may transfer one page, but end up with



Some comments inline and my code suggestion  at the end...
hello all,
I wrote a code where each individual page of a large file is saved
into separate files. However, I haven’t been able to consistently copy
the headers and footers accordingly. Any suggestion?

The built-in "Page" bookmark never includes the header/footer, unless there
happens to be a section break on the page, or the last ¶ in the doucment is

Here is the segment of my code:
 For i = 1 To j
     ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.ShowHidden = True
        'Select and copy the text to the clipboard
        'Open new document to paste the content of the clipboard into
        'Gets rid of possible break that is copied at the end of the

This systematically deletes the last character, whatever it is...
I do not believe that this is what you want to do... What if there are no
page or section breaks at the end of the page range?
        ChangeFileOpenDirectory (MyPath & "\PageToFile")

No need to change the FileOpenDirectory if you are supplying a path in the
SaveAs line...
        PageNum = PageNum + 1

Do you need this counter? Doesn't "i" already hold a count of the page you
are at...?
        ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:=prefix & PageNum & ".doc"
        ActiveDocument.Close savechanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
        'Move the selection to the next page  in the document
        Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToPage, Which:=wdGoToNext,Count:=1
    Next i
thanks in advance,

Generally, it is not a good idea to work with the "ActiveDocument" object
when dealing with multiple documents. Create document objects, this way you
are 100% certain which object you are refering to in your code. See my code
below for an example.
Also, normally I avoid the Selection object becasue it is unreliable,
epsecially when handling multiple documents. However, in this case, it is
fairly simple code. There would be a way to use only a range object, but it
would be more complicated than it is now and would not really provide any
advantages. It is one such case where the Selection object is OK.

My suggested code below only copies the main headers/footers. You might want
to add code to transfer "First page" and/or "Odd/even page" headers/footers
as well. Unless you are certain that the documents you are working with only
have the main header/footer type.

Finally, notice how I avoid using the Copy/Paste option, thereby leaving the
user's original clipboard content intact.

Dim i As Long
Dim docCur As Document
Dim docPage As Document
Dim rngCur As Range
Dim rngPage As Range
Dim strPath  As String

Set docCur = ActiveDocument
'Save current user selection
Set rngCur = Selection.Range
strPath = "C:\PageToFile\"

docCur.Range(0, 0).Select

For i = 1 To docCur.ComputeStatistics(wdStatisticPages)
    Set rngPage = Selection.Bookmarks("\page").Range.FormattedText

    'Open new document and create document object
    Set docPage = Documents.Add
    With docPage
        .Range.FormattedText = rngPage

        'Gets rid of possible break [Chr(12)] that ,might be at the end of
the Page
        If AscW(docPage.Characters.Last.Previous) = 12 Then
        End If

        'Copy headers/footers
        .Sections(1).Headers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).Range.FormattedText = _

        'Delete the last ¶

        .Sections(1).Footers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).Range.FormattedText = _



        .SaveAs strPath & i & ".doc"
        .Close savechanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
    End With

    'Move the selection to the next page  in the document
    Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToPage, Which:=wdGoToNext, Count:=1
Next i

'Reset original user selection

If you want a perfect match, you probably have to consider page Setup
options as well. Transfer margin sizes, page orientation, paper size, etc..

Good luck.- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Thank you very much. It works as far as header/footer was concerned,
and even more - But, you are right, now I have to work on page set up
because it does not retain the margines and some of the format such as
number of columns within a page, etc. thank so much again.


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