Saving sheets to new workbooks



If I have a spreadsheet with 30 or so Different sheets.
How can I copy these to New files and use the sheet name
as the new file name?

Jean-Guy Marcil

Hi Dave,

This is a Word newsgroup...
I am not Excel VBA expert, but I presume you would need something along the
lines of:
Sub Worksheet_to_Workbook()

Dim CurWbk As Workbook
Dim TarWbk As Workbook
Dim WkstToWbk As Worksheet
Dim WkstName As String
Dim WbkPath As String

Set CurWbk = ActiveWorkbook
WbkPath = CurWbk.Path

For Each WkstToWbk In CurWbk.Worksheets
WkstName = WkstToWbk.Name
Set TarWbk = ActiveWorkbook
TarWbk.Close True, WbkPath & _
Application.PathSeparator _
& WkstName & ".xls"
Set TarWbk = Nothing
Next WkstToWbk

End Sub

But, you'd better check in an Excel newsgroup for more information.


Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MVP
(e-mail address removed)
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