Saving text included on customised task page




Like many others on this forum, I am creating a customised task template for
a work project. I am content with using the default 'task' page, but need
custom fields on a second page, which will contain a field for comments. In
this field (or should it be a textbox?) I need the recipient of the task to
be able to type in comments, and for these comments to display when the task
is viewed by the task assigner when the task is completed - (i.e. I don't
necessarily need the comments to appear while the task is live, only once it
has been completed and comments have been entered in the field.)

In essence, I need this field to act with similar functionality to the
default open text field on the 'task' page.

I would appreciate any expertise that you could fford me.


Can anybody out there please help me on this one, I would be really


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