Raymond Johnston
Word 2002 -- Is there any way to default the zoom
percentage on older documents. For example, any existing
letter I open in Word I want to 100% zoom. I've tried
adjusting the normal.dot template as well as our custom
letter.dot template but this does seem to work on
existing documents. However, any new document will
reflect the 100% zoom setting but when I open an existing
document the zoom is different. The only other way I was
able to get this to work is to re-save the existing
document as 100% zoom, re-save again and it will save the
view with the document. If you have any suggestions,
that would be great. Thanks!
percentage on older documents. For example, any existing
letter I open in Word I want to 100% zoom. I've tried
adjusting the normal.dot template as well as our custom
letter.dot template but this does seem to work on
existing documents. However, any new document will
reflect the 100% zoom setting but when I open an existing
document the zoom is different. The only other way I was
able to get this to work is to re-save the existing
document as 100% zoom, re-save again and it will save the
view with the document. If you have any suggestions,
that would be great. Thanks!