Saving to Disk Print File



How to make use of the facility of 'Save to Disk' through the 'Print'
command. I think we have to put the Printer Model as something like 'Save to
Disk'. I am asking this question because on internet sometimes we have the
command 'Print' but not 'save to disk'. At such times I can save the file to
my hard disk by using the Print command by selecting something like 'Save to
Disk' printer.

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Oh, it is so simple. Thanks Bob.
But it is saved as a *.prn file. How to open this file ? Word can not read
this file.
How to print this file ?
Can I save the file through print command or by any other method (other than
'save as' command) in the MS Word format or even a simple text format ?
I remember in the old days of DOS there was something like 'file name > PRN'
command - redirect command or something like that which enabled us to save
the file to disk or directly print it.

Bob I

Yes as you originally asked, and if you copy the .prn file to the
printer it will print it. If you want an "image file" that you may view
directly, then you would print to Adobe PDF file, or print to Microsoft
Document Image Writer, for a .TIF or .MDI file.


The printer 'Microsoft Document Image Writer' is not getting displayed in the
list of printers when I am printing a Word file. From where to get this
driver ?
One silly question. How to 'copy' the *.prn file to 'printer' in order to
print it. When I right clicked the file in Windows Explorer, I did not get
this option.

Bob I

Do you have Office 2002 or later? If it was not installed, you will need
to run Office setup and install it.

I used to use

copy thisfile.prn lpt1 /b

but I don't have a local printer any more.


I am using office 2007.

Bob I said:
Do you have Office 2002 or later? If it was not installed, you will need
to run Office setup and install it.

I used to use

copy thisfile.prn lpt1 /b

but I don't have a local printer any more.

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