I suspect the OP may want a more detailed explanation.
First, you must decide whether you want to save only one page or the entire
document. If you want to save the whole thing, skip to the next paragraph.
If you want to save one page, you must select the page you want by dragging
with the mouse. (I don't know another way to select a page, though there may
well be one.) Then you must go to the Edit menu and select Copy. Next you
want to create a new document, by going to File | New (that's shorthand for
going to the File Menu and selecting New). If you get a menu on the
righthand side, select New Blank Document. Then go to Edit | Paste, and what
you selected with the mouse from your original document should appear.
From now on the steps are the same whether you are saving your entire
original document or only one page. Go to File | Save As. At the bottom of
the window that appears, you will see a line that says "File name:" Type the
name you want to call the document here (or if you are saving the whole
document, you can leave the default name in place).
Now you want to click the arrow at the top of the window, on the right side
of the line labeled "Save in:". To save on a floppy disk, select "3 1/2
floppy (A

". To save on a CD, you would select your CD drive, which may be
called several different things (though "CD" will appear in it) and which
will probably have the letter "(D

" or "(E):" at the end. However, this
will probably not work (though you can try), since saving to a CD is usually
more complex than saving to a floppy disk.
Hope this helps,