Saving to unwanted files...


J. Frank

I'm having a problem that changes I make in one document (letter.doc) are
being applied to other .doc's (letter.doc, letter1.doc, etc.).

I have a letter that I have created, I named the file letter(master).doc and
place it in a folder. Now, I open up letter(master).doc, perform a save as,
name the file letter(name1).doc, modify the .doc, save the file. So, now I
have 2 different files that are similar, with some minor changes. I again
open the letter(master).doc file, perform a file>save as, name the file
letter(name2).doc, modify the .doc differently, save the file. At this point
I have 3 different .doc's, I repeat this numerous times, so I have like 8
..doc's. Standard stuff there, here is where it gets goofy.

Any/all of the files I open only have the information of the last file I
saved. Meaning that letter(master).doc, letter(name1).doc, etc. all have the
same information in them. I choose any of the files, modify the file, it
will then save those change in all of the other .doc's. I have tried to
rename them to something more unique, doesn't help. Basically, any file that
I performed a save as from gets changed.

This doesn't make any sense to me.

J. Frank

I was thinging maybe there is some macro running, but I don't see anything
out of the ordinary in the macro list.

Charles Kenyon

See comments in-line below.

J. Frank said:
I'm having a problem that changes I make in one document (letter.doc) are
being applied to other .doc's (letter.doc, letter1.doc, etc.).

I have a letter that I have created, I named the file letter(master).doc
place it in a folder. Now, I open up letter(master).doc, perform a save
name the file letter(name1).doc, modify the .doc, save the file. So, now
have 2 different files that are similar, with some minor changes. I again
open the letter(master).doc file, perform a file>save as, name the file
letter(name2).doc, modify the .doc differently, save the file. At this
I have 3 different .doc's, I repeat this numerous times, so I have like 8
.doc's. Standard stuff there, here is where it gets goofy.

This is _not_ standard stuff!!!
You should be using a template and creating new documents based on the
template, not opening a standard doc and using SaveAs. This difference is
not merely one of style, it is substantative. It is probably a large part of
your problem.

See and

Any/all of the files I open only have the information of the last file I
saved. Meaning that letter(master).doc, letter(name1).doc, etc. all have
same information in them. I choose any of the files, modify the file, it
will then save those change in all of the other .doc's. I have tried to
rename them to something more unique, doesn't help. Basically, any file
I performed a save as from gets changed.

This doesn't make any sense to me.

Sorry, I don't have a clue as to what you mean by "same information" so it
makes no sense to me, either. Could you provide some examples as well as
tell us what version of Word you are using.

For information on setting up a letterhead template, take a look at: How to
set up letterhead or some other document where you want one header on the
first page and a different header on other pages. This gives step-by-step
instructions. (It also has the following links)

Some other pages to look at:

Letterhead Tips and Instructions

Letterhead Textboxes and Styles tutorial

Template Basics

How to Create a Template - Part 2 - essential reading

Word "Forms" and

Word for Word Perfect Users if you are coming from a WP
environment (or even if you are not).

Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
This message is posted to a newsgroup. Please post replies
and questions to the newsgroup so that others can learn
from my ignorance and your wisdom.

J. Frank

See Below...

Charles Kenyon said:
This is _not_ standard stuff!!!
You should be using a template and creating new documents based on the
template, not opening a standard doc and using SaveAs. This difference is
not merely one of style, it is substantative. It is probably a large part of
your problem.

I understand how templates work, this is not situation were templates are
Sorry, I don't have a clue as to what you mean by "same information" so it
makes no sense to me, either. Could you provide some examples as well as
tell us what version of Word you are using.

I'm using Word 2002. Here is an example, I have 8 letters that are all the
same, I just need to change some company and contact names in each .doc. If
I letter1.doc I have the name Company #1, and Mr. Name1... then all of the
other letters will also be changed to Company #1 and Mr. Name1 regardless of
the names I have previously saved them with.

Dear Mr. XXXXX

blah, blah, blah....

Our proposal is for Architectural and Structural Design only, based on the
assumption that Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing Design will be provided by
XXX-Company Name Here-XXXX on a design-build basis. We, of course,
will work with your design-build contractors and coordinate our plans with

We will provide these architectural and structural design services for a
lump sum fee of $XX,XXX.00 plus costs for reimbursable expenses.

Name Date

The only parts of the letters change are the "XXXXXXXX" areas, everything
else is the same.

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