Saving to USB stick



I have an excel file that reads data from a paradox compatible database. I
used to save a backup to a USB stick without any problems. However, after
some time, it started to take forever to save to the USB stick. I use XP Pro
and Excel 2003. I would REALLY appreciate a solution.

Jon Peltier

The preferred way to work with removable media is to keep the working copy
of the workbook on the hard drive, and transfer it to the removable media
using Windows Explorer.

- Jon


Thanks Jon, but i really need to be able to save directly to USB stick. For
security reasons, I do not want to leave the file on HDD.

David Biddulph

In that case, copy the file to the USB stick & delete from the HDD. Copy
back from USB stick to HDD and open the file there in Excel.

Jon Peltier

I should have said "recommended", not "preferred". The way Excel generates
temp files while saving works fine on a hard drive but leads to problems
otherwise. Follow David's advice.

- Jon


Thanks Jon & David. I apologize, I should have been more clear from the
start. Basically, I want to be able to leave a USB stick plugged in and use
my spreadsheet from there exclusively. I used to be able to do it no
problem, saved and loaded quickly. But now, for some reason, it takes
forever to save. I suspect it has something to do with the database query
the sheet uses, and the fact that I have the query definition saved. Perhaps
I do not need to save the query definition. Admittedly, I'm not entirely
sure whether or not I need to save the query definition, nor am I certain
the database query is the problem to start with. All I am certain of is I
could once save and load the worksheet exclusively from a USB stick, but am
no longer able to.

Your help and suggestions are genuinely appreciated.


All office apps create temp files on the same drive the file resides on.
Micro sticks are a hell of a lot slower than any HD.


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