Saving without Macro



I had recorded a macro to get my audit sheet based on 3 reports.

I am having 4 tabs in my macro sheet, namely Audit, Report1,Report2,Report3.

I will be pasting my 3 reports in the respective Report tabs and I will run
the macro.

With my macro I will get the overall Audit Report in the Audit sheet and
also that sheet will be copied in to a new excel say Sheet1.

Also in the Audit Tab, which is copied in to a new excel sheet I have my Job
number in the cell C13. I want to save that sheet in the name as
where O01393698 is the Job Number from the Cell C13.

Job Number will change for every Report.

So Lets say my existing Macro as "Audit".

Whether I can save the sheet which is copied from the Sheet Audit in to the
Desktop with the given naming format using a macro.

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