Someone may help you here, but this is not really a Word question. You
should *not* be saving the document to any type of removable media from Word
itself. Do not use Word menus for this, and do not save an open document to
removable media. Instead, just save the doc to the hard drive as usual, and
then in OS X Finder and Windows, use whatever to *copy* the file from the
hard drive to the rewritable CD. When you switch to the new computer, do
*not* open the doc from the CD, but again, copy it to the hard drive.
Obviously, you should be able to let the copy rewrite the old file.
In OS X, assuming your ibook supports CD-RW, I guess Disk Burner would be
used to copy the file to the CD. I don't use rewritable CDs myself, so
can't be sure. In Windows, haven't a clue. But Help in both OSes will
probably tell you.
(When Word saves open documents, still in progress and being edited, it
creates a lot of temporary files. These temporary files take up a lot of
space, and are constantly being written, deleted, and rewritten, but if the
temporary files cannot be created, the doc is likely to corrupt. So Word
documents saved to floppies, and edited from floppies, corrupt like mad
because the floppy does not have enough space. A CD-RW might have enough
space, but then those temporary files will suck away all your space on the
CD-RW, and I think Word isn't able to write to CD-RWs anyhow, unless you
have formatted them to act like big floppies, but that type of formatting
tends to make CD-RWs a little unreliable, I hear. The jury is still out on
whether is to safe to save to and edit from documents stored on flash
drives. So always edit from files on the hard drive, and copy to and from
removable media, to be safe.)