saving word document that will execute link after saving



Word=2003, SP2
All current Office and XP updates

I create a link to an executable (on our server) in Word by Right clicking
the file and draging it into my Word document. When the mouse is placed over
the link I am prompted to use Ctrl+Left click mouse. This works fine, UNTIL
I save the file as a .doc whereupon the link no longer works. The link is no
longer recognized.

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?Q2hhcmxpZVc=?=,
Word=2003, SP2
All current Office and XP updates

I create a link to an executable (on our server) in Word by Right clicking
the file and draging it into my Word document. When the mouse is placed over
the link I am prompted to use Ctrl+Left click mouse. This works fine, UNTIL
I save the file as a .doc whereupon the link no longer works. The link is no
longer recognized.
Press Alt+F9 to view the field codes (Word maintains links using fields). What
do you see inside the { field brackets } immediately after pasting the link?

And after saving the file?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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