saving Word document to os x server


Jan Rijnierse

I have noticed some strange behaviour while save Word 2004 documents to
our os x (10.2.8) server. When I open the Word 2004 document and make a
change, then save it, it takes forever to save the document (by forever
I mean 2-3 times longer than with Word vX).

I keep the document open, make another change, then save again, and it
takes not so long to save the document (somewhat faster than Word vX).
Again making a change, then saving, and faster saving continues until I
save and close. If I then re-open the document and save it, it again
takes forever to save.

In short: after opening a document if I save for the first time, it
takes forever, second and subsequent saves take substantially shorter.
Has anyone experience this as well? Any fixes?

Another related subject. Does anyone know why 'fast saves' is not
possible when saving to a os x server?

Thanks in advance.

Jan Rijnierse

Beth Rosengard

Hi Jan,

It sounds like you have Fast Saves turned on and this might account for the
situation you described.

Fast Saves is one of the most common causes of document corruption in
pre-2004 versions of Word. For that reason we always recommend turning it
off and leaving it off.

Things have changed somewhat in Word 2004: Allow Fast Saves is effectively
disabled ­ Word automatically disables it every tenth save of the document,
and it is never allowed when saving to network drives. This is by design
and to minimize the chances of document corruption.

And even though Fast Saves is semi-disabled in Word 2004, if I were you I
would turn it off nevertheless.

Beth Rosengard

Mac Word FAQ: <>
Entourage Help Page: <>

Jan Rijnierse

Hi Beth,

Thanks for your info. Let me clarify that I do not have Fast Saves
turned on. I'll do some more tests in a couple of days. If you have
other ideas, why Word behaves this way, I'm still very interested.
Solving this issue will probably make the difference between
implementing Word 2004 or not.



Beth Rosengard

Hi Jan,

Okay. Since this is the first I've heard of problems with Word 2004 saving
to a server, I can't judge whether the problem is with Word or unique to
your system. However, previous *can't* save to server problems (with Word X
and earlier) seem to have been fixed with OS X 10.3.3 (the most current OS
being 10.3.4). Upgrading your system should help considerably, but no

Sorry not to be of more help.

Beth Rosengard

Mac Word FAQ: <>
Entourage Help Page: <>

Matt Centurión [MS]

Hi Jan, were you able to perform more tests regarding this issue? What
computer and OS are you doing this from? What computer is your os X server?

Like Beth mentioned it is best to upgrade to 10.3.4, but that's only a guess
as I really don't know what is going on in your case quite yet.

MacWord Testing
Macintosh Business Unit

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