saving XMLData locally



in OWC 11, I'd like to let the users save the settings they have applied to
the pivot table (OWC 11).
I understand I have to store the XMLData property. How can I save it locally
on the user's computer. I'd like a prompt where the user can choose the name
of the file where XMLData is saved.

This must have been asked numerous times, but I couldn't find any similar
posts in this newsgroup.


Funny enough, somebody asked pretty much the same question at exactly the
same time as I did !!

Wei-Dong XU [MSFT]

Hi James,

From your latest reply, it appears that you have resolved this issue. If
there is any further question, please feel free to let me know.

Have a nice day!

Best Regards,
Wei-Dong XU (WD)
Microsoft Product Support Services
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No, I haven't resolved the issue. I just noticed that somebody asked the same
question at the same time as I did.
As far as I can tell, he hasn't got an answer either.
Please provide us with some help as of how to save OWC settings locally on
the client computer.


Scott Underhill

Hi James,

This was my solution, in java script i modify
var encodedXML = encode( PivotTable.XMLData )
Then when they hit the save button I send this back to the
server through soap.

Then on the server I un encode it, and load it back up
on the server.

I am sure you can do the same with the cookies. My only concern
with cookies would be how much can cookies hold, but I think it will
be ok.

Good Luck,

Wei-Dong XU [MSFT]

Hi James,

Saving file into the client box is one operation requiring high permission
to use the client IO service. We use the MSXML activex control to save the
XMLData in the client disk as the code shows below:
var msxml = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.5.0"); // this line
requires Office 2003 installed in Client
msxml.async = false;
msxml.validateOnParse = false;
msxml.resolveExternals = false;
msxml.loadXML( PivotTable1.XMLData ); "c:\test.xml" );
msxml = null;

However, this code always will fail due to the Access permission. IO access
will take high risk for client because the script from Internet may perform
harmful write operation in the client to damage key files, change
information etc. So there are two methods we can apply:
1. decrease the security setting at client IE to allow this kind of
operation. However, in real environment, this is often very hard to argue
the client users to do so.
2. develop one signed ActiveX component to perform the save operation which
will be long time to the development and the client will have to download
the CAB from Internet to perform the deployment.

So from my view, I'd suggest you can save the XMLdata as one file in the
server side, this way, there is no need for us to consider the security
limitation of IE at client and you can manage all the file at the server
only. One MSDN article introduce this solution to you.
Build an OLAP Reporting App in ASP.NET Using SQL Server 2000 Analysis
Services and Office XP

Please feel free to let me know if you have any question.

Best Regards,
Wei-Dong XU (WD)
Microsoft Product Support Services
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Thanks, this looks like what I'm looking for. I'm not worried about security
since we are a trusted site for each user, this is an intranet solution.
On the other hand, if the clients need Office 2003 installed, I might just
as well use Excel as a client instead of OWC.
Clients typically have Excel 2000 at the moment, although we have a volume
license for 2003.

Wei-Dong XU [MSFT]


Thanks for more information!

At this sceario, you can use the Excel to host Pivottable and obtain the
data from OLAP. Then you can save the configuration at the Excel workbook
which will be simpler than using OWC.

Enjoy a nice weekend!

Best Regards,
Wei-Dong XU (WD)
Microsoft Product Support Services
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Wei-Dong XU [MSFT]


You are welcome! :0)

Best Regards,
Wei-Dong XU (WD)
Microsoft Product Support Services
Get Secure! -
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

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