While using Word X, if I save the file as a PDF using the Adobe PDF printer
the top of the page is cut off. If I save using the Save as PDF button it
saves the complete page but is also 3 times as large. Does anyone know why
the page cuts off?
I have been banging my head on this one for some times too. I think I have
found why, but I am not sure my explanation is correct.
You probably have more than one printer installed. One of them might event
be an inkjet printer.
When you do a "doc setup" from within word, the dialog boxe allows you to
specify for witch printer you are entering the settings.
I think that if you select "apply to all printer", word will calculate the
highest margin of all printer and transform this as blank area.
Try doing a doc setup only for the pdfprinter... It should work
Also, you may consider buying Acrobat 6 (the upgrade is not that expensive
in standard mode). It is bundled with a custom palette to create pdf files
from any office doc in 1 click