Jacqui said:
PLEASE I'm looking for an article or published/authoritative source discussing maximum limits for an Access database back-end - I know that for v2 the size limit for an .mdb file was 2GB and assume 2K and XP are the same(?) But then there is always this question whether Access can "handle" large amounts of data, and those "scalability" concerns - The debate over whether it's ok to develop with an Access back-end or go to (and this is often overkill) SQL Server. I can't believe I can't find something tangible in the knowledgebase on this
Don't confuse yourself, Access is the RDBMS part of a
database system (i.e. the UI and development environment).
The Access box includes two database engines that can be
used on the desktop, Jet, a File Server type (the one you're
thinking of), and MSDE, a Database Server type (desktop
version of MS SQL Server). In addition Access can utilize
many other database systems such as DB2, Oracle, Infomix,
FoxPro, ...
For Jet, the 2 GB limit is the size limit for a single mdb
file, but Access can link to tables in many separate backend
mdb files. There are reports of Access applications using
30 or more backends, many of them over 1GB. With proper
indexing, a query to retrieve a few records out of a table
of a million records can be near instantaneous.
If you have a real possibility of needing to go to SQL
Server at some point in the future, then start out with MSDE
so all your code and stored procedures will move over
I'm not the athoritive source you asked for, but it's not
clear to me that you asked the right question.