Scale of "Send to OneNote" Pages?



I have been using ON 2007b for a month or so now and am totally in
love. One question to which I can't find an answer I like, so I turn
to you, the experts:

When I print to OneNote using the Send to Microsoft OneNote printer, I
get pages of uniform size. That size is maaaybe 7% bigger than I would
choose if given my 'druthers (I like to put my marginalia, note flags,
hyperlinks, etc. off to the side of the document sometimes. The
printer driver doesn't seem to have this functionality, although the
now-apocryphal 2003 PowerToy did.

Now, obviously, there are some decent workarounds, not the least of
which is the handy full-screen button, but I would like to scale my
printed images down a little bit. I'd even accept something that let
me resize multiple pages with one editing motion on the page itself.
But if I print 10 pages into one ON page, I have to resize 10 pages by
hand, which isn't practical.


Rainald Taesler

(e-mail address removed) shared these words of wisdom:
When I print to OneNote using the Send to Microsoft OneNote
printer, I get pages of uniform size. That size is maaaybe 7%
bigger than I would choose if given my 'druthers (I like to put
my marginalia, note flags, hyperlinks, etc. off to the side of
the document sometimes. The printer driver doesn't seem to
have this functionality, although the now-apocryphal 2003
PowerToy did.

I agree. "Send to.. " suffers in so far.
I guess that this might have been submitted in "Connect" several time.
But it would not hurt to post it there (although probabyl the needed
changes won't make into the upcomung version :-( :-(
Now, obviously, there are some decent workarounds,

None of them really viable, especially because there is no real "full
page view" (at least I could not detect this necessary feature so far)
where one could move and resize the printed pages.

I really do not like this part of ON.


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