Scaling images in vba with WIA



Hello world,

I am using MS WIA (Image acquisition automation library) v2.0 to scale
some jpg images with vba. However, the quality of the scaled down image
is not satisfying at all, especially when resizing to small sizes, eg
100x100pixels (maintaining the aspect ration). They seem like they have
been a lot more compressed than they should. Am I missing something?

The code i am using is the one from msdn sample given here:

Any ideas?

Karl E. Peterson

ChrisPapad said:
I am using MS WIA (Image acquisition automation library) v2.0 to scale
some jpg images with vba. However, the quality of the scaled down image
is not satisfying at all, especially when resizing to small sizes, eg
100x100pixels (maintaining the aspect ration). They seem like they have
been a lot more compressed than they should. Am I missing something?

The code i am using is the one from msdn sample given here:

Any ideas?

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