Hi Eec,
Anyone know how I can cause the font size in text boxes
that are grouped with with a MSWORD drawing to scale with
the drawing? The fonts seem to stay the same when the
figure is srunk.
Word manages the text in Drawing objects separate from the
object itself. IOW, you can't have editable text in an
object, and also have it scale with the object. You'd need
to set the font size independently.
OR, if you no longer need to edit the text, you can
Edit/Cut, then Edit/Paste Special and paste it as a
OR, you can use Word's "Word Picture" tool (that you'd need
to drag out of Tools/Customize) to create a "picture" that
contains the text. you can edit the text in Picture Editor
mode, and resize it in the document.
Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Sep
30 2003)
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