Scanned Applications & Forms made editable in Word in a write ove.

  • Thread starter James William Elger
  • Start date

James William Elger

Here's is my suggestion,

Scanning in documents, forms, and applications converted into bitmap images
can be easily duplicated. But, if you wanted to type your name in a field,
or write your address, what the old typewriters allowed you to do, Microsoft
Word, doesn't. To align the cursor, adjust the font, and fill out the
application, or write over the bitmap. It's not easy to actually do that.

You could scan in the image. Go into paint, copy and paste each line of
text into each field..

It isn't for forging documents. If you wanted to do that you would need a
custom font utility that would accept scanned in type. Old typewrites had
dammaged letters, and trends from use based upon the type of typewriter
associated to the wear and tear of the letters, and numbers that caused the
density of ink laid on a page to very letter per letter.

It is for filling out legal forms, applications, and things of that nature
by scanning in the form, and allowing you to move the cursor as little as on
pixel at a time to align the bottom line of the font.

Idealisitically, to use the paper, and forms that you recieve, the image
would be used to align the characters you would have printed on the same page
you scanned in. Therefore, the bitmap image is used to align everything, and
the original is then sent back through the printer to have the print placed
on it. That way, a cut and paste operation that could be used to forge
signatures is eliminated, without using other utilities.

You would want a fine rotation to align the form with the type to be written
into it. Because, if you are using a copied form, it may have not be laid
into the copier with all of the lines machine perfect. By saving the
correction, when it comes time to print, it will use that to print the type
parallel to the lines on the form.

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