Scanned Notes



I frequently have handwritten notes that I take while away from my computer.
I would like to get these into OneNote. Currently, I scan them and then print
them to OneNote. Unfortunately, this does not allow me to search the
information (no OCR)so I resort to manually adding a few keywords so that I
can do a search when necessary.

Has anyone developed an alternative method for converting handwritten notes
into a OneNote usable format?

Thanks for any thoughts.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP

Hmmm...tough one. If you print your notes and your handwriting is
exceptionally clear then OneNote 2007 might be able to text recognize them.
Otherwise I can't think of much that will resolve that problem. :(


Ben M. Schorr said:
Hmmm...tough one. If you print your notes and your handwriting is
exceptionally clear then OneNote 2007 might be able to text recognize
them. Otherwise I can't think of much that will resolve that problem. :(

For legal reasons, as well as efficiency, I record notes in a spiral college
ruled paper notebook. Using Dragon Speak I can read 3 days of notes into
Word or OneNote in about an hour.

If you have a Mobile 5 (6) device, you can purchase Microsoft's Voice
Command for ~$40 or wait for a Mobile 6 upgrade. I do not know if there is a
speech to text option.

There is a speech to text module included in WinXP, but I have never
experimented with it. Starter packages for Dragon Naturally Speaking are
around $49.


I do not even see a way to get Onenote to attempt to read the text. No matter
what method I use to get the handwritten notes into Onenote, it does not give
me the option. I have tried printing from a PDF or TIF file using print to
OneNote. I have also tried capturing screen shots of the file and pasting
those in. OneNote won't even give me an option to text recognize these. It
seems to me that it is not really different from if I had actually written it
into OneNote using a Tablet PC.



Bruce said:
seems to me that it is not really different from if I had actually written it
into OneNote using a Tablet PC.

Ah, but there is a large difference. When you are writing with the
pen the machine is capturing stroke information for each mark you make,
which is then translated into characters. When you paste in a picture
this information is lost, you only have the pixels. This makes it much
more difficult to discern as characters since handwriting varies greatly.

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