Scanner input


Steve Beer

Hello smart folks,I have been given the project of
creating an Access database that recieves data from a
scanner and then displays the location that the parts are
to be delivered to.I have figured out that much by setting
up a form and a combo box.They now tell me that the
barcode that was scanned needs to be placed in a separate
database to track daily.This all needs to be done with one
swipe of the scanner.I can get the data dispayed but I
cant come up with a way to also send that data to another
table or exel worksheet on the same swipe.Does anyone have
any ideas on this?

Thanks for any assistance


I can maybe help you with that. I had to set up an
interface to put the scanned barcode in a table, and being
lazy as I am did it as follows:

I capture the info from the communication port's buffer
(asuming you're using a serial interface) and I paste it
directly into a table with a SQl Statement:

DoCmd.SetWarnings False

strSQL = "Insert Into Table1 (Field1,Field2) values
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL

You can use the above to save the barcodes in any Table or
more than one table.

You can define a variable instead of using the
Textbox1.Text. (Like I said, it works and I didn't have
enough time to set up variables, so I used an unbound
textbox to display and hold the current barcode). I also
record the timestamp when it captured the barcode. If you
would like to see the sample code, let me know.

I hope this helps.



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