Scanning VBS code BEFORE opening a Word, Excel, or PowerPoint document


Howard Kaikow

Is it possible to scan the VBA code BEFORE opening a Word, Excel, or
Powerpoint critter?

Helmut Weber

Hi Howard,
Is it possible to scan the VBA code BEFORE opening a Word, Excel, or
Powerpoint critter?

what could I possibly suggest to someone of your reputation?
Are you trying to set up your own virus scan?

DOS-find is still around, and could at least
tell you whether there is an "end sub" in the doc.

Hopefully, it isn't a text about programming.

Greetings from Bavaria, Germany

Helmut Weber, MVP WordVBA

Win XP, Office 2003
"red.sys" & Chr$(64) & ""

Howard Kaikow

Helmut Weber said:
Hi Howard,

what could I possibly suggest to someone of your reputation?
Are you trying to set up your own virus scan?

DOS-find is still around, and could at least
tell you whether there is an "end sub" in the doc.

Hopefully, it isn't a text about programming.

I'm investigating alleged claims of a particular auntie virus program.
One of their support folkes claimed that with a certain option selected, the
documents would be scanned BEFORE opening.

I doubt that the statement is true.
Thought that I'd ask here.

P.S. Yet another AV, not the one referenced above, program has a mechanism
that is bound to generate many false positives. Here I am referring to
Kaspersky AV 6's Office Guard.

See my rants and demos at,

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