Scanpst.exe & Outlookpst files are corrupt or broken



I have locate both files. Folder icon shows a broken envelope. Are both files
corrupt? How can I fix application files? If I reinstall, will I lose all my
contacts information?


What makes you think they are corrupt? the broken icon is the default icon
for scanpst.exe

K. Orland

Scanpst.exe is not for fixing any application file. It's strictly used to
scan your Outlook PST file and repair errors when possible.

There are very few instances when you would need to reinstall Outlook. If
you absolutely must, all your email, contacts, calendar, etc. is saved in
your PST file. If you don't overwrite it then it will stay intact. To be
safe, you can rename it to kim1221.pst for example. Why do you want to
reinstall Outlook? Perhaps we can suggest an easier fix if you are
experiencing problems.

Please include your version of Outlook and type of email account (POP3 or
Exchange for example).


Outlook will not open. It will come up on screen then close with error
message: Cannot start Microsoft Office Outlook. Cannot open the Outlook
window. The set of folders cannot be opend. Errors have been detected in the
file. It then goes on to tell me to use the Inbox repair tool to diagnose and
repair errors in the file.It took awhile to find scanpst.exe. Normal search
does not locate, states file not found. Use System information program to
find. Scanpst and Scanost have broken envelope icons.Tried to double click on
Scanpst.exe icon asked for the file name I want to repair. Chose Browse.
Chose Open all files *.pst; *.ost. Options given have nothing to do with
Outlook.I don't know what to do fix this.
Thanks so much for your help!!!!!


scanpst.exe is a hidden file, only found if show hidden is enabled.
The *.pst is the outlook data file.
Usually starting scanpst then browsing opens the default location for the
outlook data file, which by default will be outlook.pst
Do you locate outlook.pst when you browse for it, within scanpst? or what
named files does it show?


Hidden files have been allowed. Double click on Scanpst. Browse window comes
up. Type Outlook.pst. File not found.
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12 no file named Outlook.pst

Charles W Davis


Do a search. I have been fighting Outlook pst problems all weekend on 4
different computers for our club members. Folks have moved them all over. I
personally have mine in a folder under Documents called, for obvious
reasons, OutlookPST.

If you have moved this pst from Outlook 2002 or prior, Outlook help returns
If you are using a Microsoft Outlook Personal Folders file (.pst) that was
created in Microsoft Outlook 97-2002, you can switch to a newer data file
format that is the default in Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 and Microsoft
Office Outlook 2007. The new .pst file format, called the Microsoft Office
Outlook Personal Folders file (.pst), offers greater storage capacity for
items and folders, and supports multilingual Unicode data.

There is no automated procedure to convert a Microsoft Outlook 97-2002
Personal Folders file (.pst) to a Microsoft Office Outlook Personal Folders
file (.pst) . The easiest way is to create a new data file in the Microsoft
Office Outlook Personal Folders file (.pst) format and import items from the
Microsoft Outlook 97-2002 Personal Folders file (.pst) file into it.



I got the same problem too. I have outlook 2003 in my system.
This problem might be because your PST file might be corrupt. I was not able
to open outlook. Got the error "Cannot open outlook. The set of folders
cannot be opened". This is what I did to resolve this:

- Go to command prompt. (Start -> run -> type CMD and say OK)
- Type the command chkdsk C: /f /r
- Since this is the primary drive you will prompted to run check disk at the
next system boot.
- Say 'Y' (yes) to that and restart the system
- On reboot, it will do a scandisk. This might take a while. Took a couple
of hours for me
- Once everything is complete and when you are logged into windows, try
opening outlook.
- You should be good now

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