SCANPST yields confusing results


Dave Jenkins

I had a problem starting Outlook a few days ago, and used SCANPST to repair
the file. I was then able to start Outlook without any problems, and have
been so for the last 2-3 days.

Just for fun, I've been running SCANPST at the end of the day - it *always*
finds errors. I have been very careful not to shut down my system until
Outlook is no longer running, and yet some sort of problem seems to be
creeping in.

Tonight I ran SCANPST and it found/repaired errors. I decided to run it
again (with no intervening execution of Outlook). It once again reported
that it had found errors, and prompted me to click Repair to fix them, but
the Repair button was not enabled. Go here: to see a screenshot of the popup I got at
the ned of the scan.

So: Do I *really* have errors in the file? And if so, how can they be

Pat Willener

Since you are running scanpst "just for fun", I think that scanpst is
pretending to find errors "just for fun" as well.

No, I don't think that these are serious errors, just very minor ones. I
wouldn't play with scanpst if there is no need for it. Also, always make
a backup of your PST file before you run scanpst.

Dave Jenkins

Thanks, Pat.

So you're saying that reporting of errors, with no accompanying ability to
repair the errors, is "normal?"

Pat Willener

Sorry, I didn' see that part of your post. Does OK not lead to the
Repair button? If not, then this is indeed not normal.

Anyone with 2007 seen this?

Dave Jenkins

The screenshot mentioned in my first post shows all the feedback I got from
the scan. When I clicked OK, the popup closed and the scan was over (I
guess). Never a chance to select a Repair.

Before, the same screen that reported that it had found errors would have a
Details, a Repair, and a Cancel button. button.

I compacted my .pst file today and ran SCANPST again tonight. It once again
reported that it had found errors, but allowed me to attempt to repair them.
It whirred and ground for a while and then reported "Repair Complete." Not
sure I believe anything it says ...

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