Scatter Charts - X Values


CWS Lanham

I am using an XY scatter chart with data that looks like

Name Priority Date Lic/Ow
Free 12/16/1998 Lic
Warner 1/28/1999 Lic
Buckmon 7/12/2001 Ow
Tucker 12/28/2000 Ow

The Y values are the priority dates and x values would Lic or Own. Each dataset would be referenced in vertical columns. The problem is how to change data labels so that reflect the data in the name column and the data in the Lic/Own column.

Hope you can help.


CWS Lanham

Thanks but I was able to use the XY Chart Labeler from AppsPro to accomplish this task.

----- CWS Lanham wrote: -----

I am using an XY scatter chart with data that looks like:

Name Priority Date Lic/Own
Free 12/16/1998 Lic.
Warner 1/28/1999 Lic.
Buckmon 7/12/2001 Own
Tucker 12/28/2000 Own

The Y values are the priority dates and x values would Lic or Own. Each dataset would be referenced in vertical columns. The problem is how to change data labels so that reflect the data in the name column and the data in the Lic/Own column.

Hope you can help.


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