Just a quick question, i'm trying to graph some data, for which I've
used a x-y scatter chart. So far, so good, the data represents an
average value for a a 1/2 day period.
The chart interpolates between my points, instead of displaying
stepwise data, with the value displayed being the average for the next
period (until the new point).
I can't for love nor money find an option in the charts to do this -
am I missing something??
Hope this makes sense, let me know if I can post a picture somwhere!
used a x-y scatter chart. So far, so good, the data represents an
average value for a a 1/2 day period.
The chart interpolates between my points, instead of displaying
stepwise data, with the value displayed being the average for the next
period (until the new point).
I can't for love nor money find an option in the charts to do this -
am I missing something??
Hope this makes sense, let me know if I can post a picture somwhere!