Scatterplot chart area changes size on different systems




I'm using VB to automate Word & MSGraph to generate an XY
scatterplot. Everything works perfectly on my system (Windows
2000/Office 2000 with current service packs).

However, when a client uses the same VB app, with the same operating
system and the same Office version, the scatterplots change size...

when the client uses the VB app on Windows XP with office 2000 the
scatterplots come out at the correct size.

The plots are insrted into a table cell in Word, and their Height and
Width are set as InchesToPoints(4.44)...

We've tried changing every option in Tools.Options, but no luck.
We've also tried changing the Display Settings.Advanced.Font Size to

nothing has worked.

Has anyone else seen this kind of behavior?...and found a solution??



I may have found my own solution.... I'll post here for any other lost

I had a thought that the difference between systems might have been
Word's file, which is the base template for New documents.
So I created my own .dot file and included it with the VB app
distribution, and used it as a template when creating the new Word docs
with the sctterplot graphs.

VB6 code:
Dim oWord As Word.Application
Dim oDoc As Word.Document

'Start Word and open the document template.
oWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
oWord.Visible = True
oDoc = oWord.Documents.Add (Template:= _
App.path & "\" _
, NewTemplate:=False, DocumentType:=0)

So far so good, the client is reporting no scatterplot distortions...

Hope this helps someone else.


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