Scenario Analysis... simple


Darin Kramer


I have 12 total scores.

Each score is an A, B, C or D
(say in a1,b1,c1,d1)

I have a formulae which calculates Percentages of each, combines them,
and then gives an overall result (say in cell E1)

I want to see effects of scoring 12 A, and zero B,C,D and then 11A,
1B,zero C's etc

ANy ideas?



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Jim Thomlinson

Are you sure you want to do this. There are about 20,000 permiutations and
combinations of 12 scores in 4 categories? Unless I have missunderstood your

Jim Thomlinson

Sorry I misread your post... The combinations are far less than that. I'll
look at it again...

Jim Thomlinson

You are still over 2,000 combinations. I can not imagine that this is what
you wanted...

Tom Ogilvy

Sub DD()
i = 0
For j = 0 To 12
For k = 0 To 12
For l = 0 To 12
For m = 0 To 12
If j + k + l + m = 12 Then
i = i + 1
Cells(i, 1) = j
Cells(i, 2) = k
Cells(i, 3) = l
Cells(i, 4) = m
End If
Next m: Next l: Next k: Next j
End Sub

gives me 455 combinations.

Jim Thomlinson

My math skills are just way off... I am going to chaulk this up to a monday
morning thing... I used to be Ok at this kind of thing... Good job Tom

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