Scenario Manager question



I am trying to write some code to automate the addition, change and deletion
of scenarios with Scenario Manager to avoid having to open the window and do
everything manually. I basically have an input matrix, and then the code is
supposed to either add, change or delete the scenarios. However, I am getting
a run-time error (unable to get the scenario propery of worksheet class) on
the delete section. I am a relative beginner and any help will be greatly

Set m = Range("f5")
Set M_1 = Range("M_1")
Set M_2 = Range("M_2")

If m.Value = "Add" Then
ActiveSheet.Scenarios.Add Name:=Array(M_1.Value),
ChangingCells:=Range("AnnMil"), _
ActiveSheet.Scenarios.Add Name:=Array(M_2.Value),
ChangingCells:=Range("AnnMil"), _

ElseIf m.Value = "Change" Then
ActiveSheet.Scenarios("M_1").ChangeScenario , Values:=Array(M_1.Value)
ActiveSheet.Scenarios("M_2").ChangeScenario , Values:=Array(M_2.Value)

‘to delete a scenario

End If


I am also getting the same error when I try to change a scenario. It works
fine if I assign a name to each scenario eg MileageA, but if the name is the
actual value of mileage eg 12000, then this appears to be causing the
problem. Any ideas, please?

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