Schedule Change Log



Is it possible for MSProject Server 2007 to log schedule changes for
reporting purposes? My customer has a requirement in which they want to see
all additions, deletions, logic changes, and duration changes. We have a 20k
line item schedule that changes frequently. We're currently dumping
before/after schedules into Excel and using vlookup.



Dale Howard [MVP]

Sandy --

There is no automatic change log available in Project Server 2007, but there
is a manual method you could use. Before the PM makes changes to the
enterprise project, he/she should click File - Save As and save the project
as an MPP file locally. He/she should then close this project, reopen the
enterprise project, make changes, etc. At the time the PM needs to do the
change analysis, he/she should open the MPP project and the enterprise
project, and then use the Compare Project Versions utility, available by
clicking View - Toolbars - Compare Project Versions. This tool will allow
the PM to do the change reporting needed, including new tasks added, tasks
deleted, logic changes, Duration changes, and many more as well. Not
perfect, I realize, but I think this would meet your report needs. Hope
this helps.


Thanks forthe response Dale.

I've considered this method but our schedule is 20,000 line items and 160mb
in size. We don't have the PC power to run the MSProject Compare feature.
We've tried to run it on a standalone PC with 4gb RAM but it still dies
stating "out of memory"


Gary Chefetz

I suspect this is why they pulled the tool from 2010. I also believe the
problem may be an unhandled VBA memory leak.

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