Schedule my day by percentage


Paul Gosse

Is there a way to have Outlook schedule my day by percentage time? For
example if I work a 10 hour day and I don't want to have meetings or
appointments for 9 hours, can I set Outlook to only accept invitations if 60%
of my day is not scheduled already?

In other words can I set it up so I will always have at least 4 hours a day
that are free for me to do actualy work rather than just meetings? I know I
could just block time off but I'd rather it be more flexible than that. Thank

Judy Gleeson \(MVP Outlook\)

That's something you would have to do manually. eg, as you suggested, block
the time out.



Judy Gleeson
MVP Outlook

Are you sick of bad email practice? Get a copy of my paper "Implementing
Email Policy" from the Desk Doctors website.

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