Scheduling calls



I am trying to schedule calls and call back time from within Outlook Business
Contact manager. I don't see a date and time field under eithe the General
or Details field. Using the Flag button, I have scheduled a call at a
certain time and date however the time and date do not show up under the
callback field. Does anyone know where I can find instructions or a manual
which will allow us to use this product in a productive way?


Sean Kop

Solomon, why don't you just use Tasks, you can schedule a time for it
to remind you to do something, then make the call then. Once you have
made the call, then use the phone note option to write a summary of the



I appreciate your response and certainly think it's a good workaround. I
still think there are some things missing here. Have you seen a detailed
copy of a manual or guide to the product in printed form?


Tim Peterson via

Using Tasks to schedule calls is not a work around. A phone call reminder is
simply 1 specific type of task and Outlook lets you use the generic Task item
form for ANY type of task reminder (including phone calls) for a given day.
If the Task you need reminding to do is "Time-Specific" within a given day it
is called an Appointment and is put on the Calendar to be done at that
specific time. This is the main difference between the fields on the
Appointment form vs. the Task form. These items are almost identical except
for this "time-specific-within-the-day" distinction. BCM is designed as an
add-in for Outlook. Using BCM in a productive way relies upon a good
understanding of the basic intended design of each Outlook item and how they
all work together. This program is different than an application such as ACT!
You can do the same things but the software is designed differently.

Some prefer Fords and some prefer Chevys.




I appreciate your taking the time to explain using tasks & appointments
while pointing out the differences. Since you seem to be pretty knowledgable
about this product, perhaps you can explain where I can find the date and/or
time entry point for "Callback as found on the [By Category] current view

As for your pointing out that some people like fords and some people like
chevys, both are drivable by any licensed driver. Software design should
strive to deliver as much while still being able to do the job. The point of
a good software design especially in a contact management is to help people
to do their job in a more intuitiive and efficient manner. I use contact
management software every day as a tool. I am hoping that one of the savy
software designers of this product will help and even make changes if enough
of users like myself make requests.

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