Scheduling - %Completes and Actuals



Thank you! Actually the best thing would be if I could just get the hours
worked that week and the hours remaining for a person's tasks (basically
their time sheet). I see how to put the Rem. Dur. in (and that makes
sense). I guess I could create my own column to record the hours worked on
a task each week and then add that number to the total hours worked so far
(Act. Dur.) and store that in the Act. Dur. field. In other words, if I
started the week with:

Work Act Dur. Worked this week Rem Dur.
48 32 0 16

and I worked 8 hours on the task and reported that I had 12 more to go I
would report:

Worked this week Rem. Dur.
8 12

so I would enter this into my tracking view:

Work Act Dur. Worked this week Rem Dur.
48 32 **8 **12

hit my button to run the macro and get the following:

Work Act Dur. Worked this week Rem Dur.
52 40 0 12

My macro would add the "Worked this week" value to the Actual Duration and
clear out the "Worked this week" field. Project would calculate the Work
column for me based on adding the Actual Duration to the Remaining
Duration -- seems easy.

What's the better task type in this situation: Fixed Units or Fixed Work?
Everyone will always be 100% dedicated to the tasks they are on. I know the
default is Fixed Units, but I think that if I use Fixed Work, that might be
better. Thoughts?

Thanks again!



Click View>Task Usage (or Resource Usage) and you'll get a timescaled
view on the right side with the tasks and resources on the left. It
looks and functions just like a timesheet. You can enter the Actual
Work in the appropriate spaces (on a daily or weekly basis) in the
timescaled part on the right. (You may have to right-click in this
section and select Actual Work if it's not visible.) This will
automatically enter the correct Actual Start date. After you enter the
timescaled Actual Work, adjust the Remaining Work as needed in the
left side.


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