Scheduling resources in Entourage



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Email Client: imap

I have been trying to reserve resources (i.e. board room, audio/visual equipment, etc...) in Entourage but the resources do not show as saved. How do I schedule a resource in Entourage that will show it as in use?

William Smith [MVP]

I have been trying to reserve resources (i.e. board room,
audio/visual equipment, etc...) in Entourage but the resources do not
show as saved. How do I schedule a resource in Entourage that will
show it as in use?

How are you booking your resources? The only way to do it from Entourage
would be if your Exchange Server were running the Auto Accept Agent. You
book a resource by sending an invitation to the resource's E-mail
address and the server will respond with an Accepted or Not Accepted

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Yeah, the Auto Accept Agent is used for all of of our conference rooms, if you invite a conference room the script processes the invite to reserve the room for you (this agent runs on the Exchange servers). The majority of the time I reserve resources, the steps I've outlined here work great --> <>. Occasionally, when scheduling recurring meetings, I'll make the mistake of leaving the end date set to infinity (our resources are setup to reject recurring reservations without end dates). I'll get a Declined response from the resource. This behavior is fine, save than the error description given when viewed in my Entourage client is cryptic versus when I view the error description in my Outlook client, which clearly states why the Declined response was given.

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