Scheme for synchronizing across multiple different platforms?



I've read the discussions of synch'ing Tablet OneNote to PocketPC, but has
anyone given thought to a more comprehensive synchronization scheme? I use a
Dell Axm x30 PocketPC, a Motion Computing LE 1600 slate with XP Tablet, a
Dell Inspiron 8500 laptop with Win XP Pro, and last, but not least, an LG
cell phone. All of these have contact data bases, calendars, etc. The tablet
and laptop each have OneNote.

What is the current thinking about what application(s) to use to try to
synch the information on these devices? Also, what are the actual files or
directories on each that need to remain synchronized?

I know its a big order, but we've got to get there eventually--or go nuts
keeping track of all of our unsynchronized information! Hey, while we're at
it, let's, have this all be transparently automatic and secure over any sort
of communicates media! What are your thoughts for all or part of this
question? Is it best for now just to not try to synch?

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