For science class, I have to make the following chart. Beneath, you
can find simplified figures that give sight of our lab work.
(We were supposed to calculate the grateconstant and the
'diffraction'?? angle of certain frequencies seen through a illumination
equipment of sodium (yellow))
I'm working on a chart of the orders (m) in function of the sinus of
the (diffraction)angle (sinus van de diffractiehoek). I know for a fact that
it is a rising linear graph. Could someone please help me visualise it ??
Ordes (m) Golflengte (nm) Diffractiehoek Diffractiehoek
Diffractiehoek Sinus van de
diffractiehoek Roosterconstante (d)
in deg in rad (na correctie)
-3 589 22°8'30'' 0,386444985 0,386444985 0,376897954 -4688,272
-3 589,6 22°11' 0,387172206 0,387172206 0,377571446 -4684,676
-2 589 32°21'30'' 0,564759457 0,564759457 0,535212641 -2200,994
-2 589,6 32°23' 0,565195789 0,565195789 0,535581167 -2201,720
-1 589 42°3' 0,73391095 0,73391095 0,669778867 -879,395
-1 589,6 *niet te onderscheiden 0,73391095 0,73391095
0,669778867 -880,291
0 0 51°27' 0,8979719 0,8979719 0,782064612
1 589 60°57' 1,063778179 1,063778179 0,874196298 673,762
1 589,6 *niet te onderscheiden 1,063778179 1,063778179
0,874196298 674,448
2 589 70°41' 1,233656893 1,233656893 0,943704769 1248,272
2 589,6 70°43'30'' 1,234384113 1,234384113 0,943945076 1249,225
3 589 81°5' 1,415171135 1,415171135 0,987914821 1788,616
3 589,6 81°7'30'' 1,415898356 1,415898356 0,988027277 1790,234
For science class, I have to make the following chart. Beneath, you
can find simplified figures that give sight of our lab work.
(We were supposed to calculate the grateconstant and the
'diffraction'?? angle of certain frequencies seen through a illumination
equipment of sodium (yellow))
I'm working on a chart of the orders (m) in function of the sinus of
the (diffraction)angle (sinus van de diffractiehoek). I know for a fact that
it is a rising linear graph. Could someone please help me visualise it ??
Ordes (m) Golflengte (nm) Diffractiehoek Diffractiehoek
Diffractiehoek Sinus van de
diffractiehoek Roosterconstante (d)
in deg in rad (na correctie)
-3 589 22°8'30'' 0,386444985 0,386444985 0,376897954 -4688,272
-3 589,6 22°11' 0,387172206 0,387172206 0,377571446 -4684,676
-2 589 32°21'30'' 0,564759457 0,564759457 0,535212641 -2200,994
-2 589,6 32°23' 0,565195789 0,565195789 0,535581167 -2201,720
-1 589 42°3' 0,73391095 0,73391095 0,669778867 -879,395
-1 589,6 *niet te onderscheiden 0,73391095 0,73391095
0,669778867 -880,291
0 0 51°27' 0,8979719 0,8979719 0,782064612
1 589 60°57' 1,063778179 1,063778179 0,874196298 673,762
1 589,6 *niet te onderscheiden 1,063778179 1,063778179
0,874196298 674,448
2 589 70°41' 1,233656893 1,233656893 0,943704769 1248,272
2 589,6 70°43'30'' 1,234384113 1,234384113 0,943945076 1249,225
3 589 81°5' 1,415171135 1,415171135 0,987914821 1788,616
3 589,6 81°7'30'' 1,415898356 1,415898356 0,988027277 1790,234